Our Vision

WILPF has been, from its earliest days, a social movement organisation, campaigning for fundamental changes in society with the long-term aim of ending the scourge of war and laying the foundation on which a durable peace can be constructed.

Many members of that early WILPF had been active in the pre-war suffrage movement, and had an unshakeable belief in the need for full and equal participation of women in every aspect of social, economic and political life, both as a measure of justice and a prerequisite of peace.

WILPF’s unique method has been to mobilise women in all their diversity, to engage their many strengths for this project – for, despite all, we are not powerless!

A world of permanent peace built on feminist foundations of freedom, justice, nonviolence, human rights, and equality for all.


We strive to be an organisation that practices care for life and promotes a society free of violence.


We will confront the systems that generate oppression on women in their diversities through an ecofeminist and antimilitarist approach.


We will strengthen the enforcement mechanisms and processes for the protection and guarantee of all women’s rights, economic autonomy, political participation and transformative actions, based on pacifism and non-violence.


We will position feminist peace and human security, at multiple levels, vindicating the knowledge and experiences of women in the territories, to achieve a just, ecologically responsible society, where it is possible to live in dignity.